
My name is Tiffany Jackson. I am a wife and mother to 3 beautiful and wonderful kiddos. Psychology became a passion of mine a few years ago after I had finished my Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, majoring in criminal profiling. I decided to go for my Master’s degree in mental health counseling partly from what I had already learned, but mainly because I suffer from mental illness, as well as chronic pain.

I take each day one day at a time, sometimes hour by hour, minute by minute, or even second by second. I was not able to complete my graduate degree, I was all set and only had my internship to go, but I realized something that changed the course I was on, I suffer from severe mental and physical health issues, and I would never be able to be held accountable for the job that I dreamt of doing for all those years. Leaving school at that point was one of the hardest things that I have ever done, it broke my heart and broke my spirits. Since then I have been trying to find a healthy outlet.

This is my healthy platform. I recently learned that in order to fully manage my health I have to “accept” my diseases. That’s a lot harder to do than I would have ever thought. So, I’m going to take baby steps and begin my journey of acceptance here.

My diagnoses are many ranging from Bi-Polar I disorder, PTSD, Anxiety disorder, Borderline personality disorder to fibromyalgia, gout, osteoarthritis in my neck, back and hips. I have spinal cord injuries, and I recently found out that my stomach can’t digest food anymore, and my diet now consists mainly of a liquid and soft food diet. I take over 20 medications a day.

Like I said, I need an outlet; I can’t control what my body does, or how it feels. I can use these burdens to maybe help others, knowing that you are not alone in this is helpful. It’s scary to try and do it on your own. That’s why you reach out for help, never feel embarrassed, you deserve to be heard and treated with kindness and compassion.

Make every minute count no matter how bad it hurts…